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You're very clear!The half life of an isolated<a href=""> ntouren</a> is about 15 minutes, but that changes with the<a href=""> ntouren</a>'s circumstances. Specifically, being in an atom means that the<a href=""> ntouren</a>'s half life can be made much shorter, or much, much longer.In the context of this post, you can think of a<a href=""> ntouren</a> as an atom with 1<a href=""> ntouren</a> and 0 protons. By decaying into a proton, the proton and<a href=""> ntouren</a> stacks come slightly closer to being in balance.In a stable atom the<a href=""> ntouren</a>s are perfectly happy to exist for an arbitrarily long time.

This page may have a more recent version on PmWiki:WebFeeds, and a talk page: PmWiki:WebFeeds-Talk.

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Page last modified on March 03, 2016, at 12:16 AM