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Analysis Flags

For each model run, the averaged parameters are presented in here. Due to the variety of models analysed, any analysis issues are flagged using a binary code. The flags used are:

0, indicating no analysis issues;

1, indicating that a burst occurred as the simulation was finishing, and as such was not analysed;

2, indicating that due to convective shocks, the luminosity exceeded $ 10^{39}\, \mathrm{erg}\, \mathrm{s}^{-1} $ in the raw data, and the lightcurve was rebinned;

4, indicating that the end of the burst was triggered by reaching a local minimum;

8, indicating twin peaked bursts occur in the train;

16, indicating rapid bursts occur with recurrence time less than 100 s;

32, which indicates the raw data was too irregular for analysis.

The observable effect on burst parameters of Flags 2 and 8 is a substantially poorer measurement of burst rise parameters due to either convective shocks, or the presence of two peaks causing the identification of a peak luminosity ambiguous. Flag 4 is a consequence of metastable H/He burning extending the duration of a burst. In this case, the tail can sometimes show small follow-up bursts and oscillations in brightness, and measurements of fluence are unreliable. The analysis for rapid bursts (Flag 16) is quite robust, but there is a likelihood of a burst being missed. Additionally, these bursts arise from quite unlikely accretion compositions (Z > 0.10).

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Page last modified on June 11, 2015, at 05:49 AM